Thursday, June 26, 2008

June 27th

having a slow day. just kind of meandering around the house, not really doing any of my chores I should be doing. I got up and got Riley off to school. I am finding that I really am enjoying doing this. I think its because its just him and I. We get up early eat breakfast together talk on the way to school and its nice and quiet. When the other two kids join the mix its always hard for Riley to get a word in and he gets very frustrated. I think I really need to do more one on one time with each one of my kids and so does Brian. It really gives us a chance to get to know them a lot better, and it would help them to get all the attention once in a while.
I have also ventured in to the land of cloth diapering. I have been going slow I still use disposable when I go out of the house and for at night. I haven't gotten enough cloth diaper covers ( I only have one) to feel comfortable going to the sore in a cloth diaper and she still wets a lot a night for me to be sure she will be comfortable in a cloth diaper. I have been wanting to change to cloth for some time know and I wish I had done it with Matthew but I wasn't as well informed as I am now. So I have decided to to cloth for Delaney and really really focus on getting Matthew in underwear. he is doing really well so far. I think he likes his disposables cause when he goes in them he gets attention when he needs a diaper change. So we are really trying to encourage and reward him for going on the toilet. I also think he get busy doing stuff and just doesn't want to pull himself away from things to got in the potty. Man life with 3 kids is hectic and I never stop worrying, but its also so rewarding and wonderful. :)
Her are some cute pics!

Friday, June 20, 2008

June 20th

Well its Friday I survived this week, I can't believe I still have my sanity. On Monday my niece came out to stay for the week. She is 5 so I had 4 kids this week. Luckily she is a huge helper and doens' talk back or whine. She had only two moments of home sickness and they she was very easy to comfort.I was very proud of her. Delaney had been fighting a fever over the weekend I thought it was her breaking her teeth in, but on Tuesday morning she woke up at 5 am with a terrible looking rash on her face and upper body. So the kids and I headed out to the doctors to get her checked out. Turns out she got Rosiola somehow. luckily the rash is the end of it and the next day she woke up just fine. She was a little fussy but not too bad. Tuesday night I forgot to shut or Garage door and some one came into our garage and stole Brian's laptop. I felt so awful, and stupid. So Wednesday was a pretty rough day, I was feeling terrible so in turn my negative vibes rubbed off on the kids and they were all acting up. So at 3 I decided to get them out of the house and head down to the Library for a cool Bug lab they had going on. The kids all got to hear and learn about bugs and how important they are even though they seem really icky. they even got to touch and hold the bugs if they wanted to, which to my surprise they did. They had just to name the ones I remember. A Madagascar hissing Coach roach, a huge Cricket, a couple walking stick bugs and a Millipede. There were a few more but I can't remember what they were. Then we went home and tried to keep cool. I think it got to about a 100 degrees. Thursday we got up and ate and headed out to pump it up and fun place for kids with jumpy houses and big inflatable slides. They had a blast and I had fun just watching them. Then the kids got a Happy meal and headed home to relax. then around 6, Brains uncle came by and dropped off a almost new washer and Dryer and fridge. So we got to work cleaning out the old fridge and trying to get the new one in. OH my god its a huge fridge Brian ended up having to cut a strip out of the counter top to make it fit int he place the old fridge was. So here it is Friday its 10 am the kids just had breakfast they are sitting down watching a quick movie I am goint to go exercise and then head of to a nice shower. to get my busy day started. WE have to clean the house get all megs clothes together and sorted, then go check Riley's summer school to see what class he is in, then head out of town with our first stop being my Friends carries so I can finally see baby Robbie, then to my dads work to visit and pick up some tickets, then to napa to drop off Meg and visit with my mom and sis, then to my cousin Suzy's house to show her house to use a Met tie, and then hopefully home before nine. haha I must be crazy. Well I am off.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

June 10th

Feeling a little sappy
I don't know if its the two cups of Coffee or the heat but I am feeling extremely sappy right now. For those of you who know me well I don't ever ever drink coffee, but thought it would help me today sense I got up at 6 am and only slept about 4 hours last night. So far its helped a little. Any ways back to my reason for writing this. I just wanted to say to all those mothers out there and all those soon to be mothers I know( i think the total is now up to 8) I just want to say Being a mother is the greatest job I have ever had. I am sure you would all agree. The pay is the best cause it is paid to us in love and kisses and the wonderful joy of accomplishment when we witness our kids doing great. Even the smallest things make your day. unlike my other jobs I had were you get a good pat on the back and a nice piece of paper saying you did a good job, now I get I love you mommies and hugs and kisses. Even though some days are harder then others I wouldn't trade them for anything. On the nights were my daughter doesn't sleep or the dayswere my 3 year old refuses to eat anything I just remember how lucky I really am to just have there smiling faces in my life and how I couldn't image a time without them. For some reason this year I have been looking at life in a new way. I dont' care really what others are doing or what drama is going on. I just want to be present in my own life and be aware of what I have going on. I don't judge people as much ( i never really did too much) anymore and I don't hate on people either. Just those actions alone have made me a better person and so less likely to stress out. I use to look at others and think in my head man I wish I had a nice house like that or new fancy car. But I came to realize that I have everything I need , food, shelter., insane amounts of love. I don't need anything else. My kids are happy and healthy and well taken care of. Maybe they don't have all the newest toys and coolest toys but they have a family and friends that care a lot about them. As of right now in this stage of my life I want to just live day by day and not think to much about what is going on down the road. Thinking too much ahead makes the days now go by way too fast. love to you all

Monday, June 9, 2008

June 9th

aww wonderful Monday. Got up and got Riley off to school and took Matthew along. Matthew and I had to attend a "raising a reader" meeting with a Librarian as a speaker. the Librarian didn't show up ,but Matthew still ended up getting a new book bag and I got 8 new canvas bags that were left over from the program. So now I hve new canvas shopping bags Yeah. Just those alone were worth going to the meeting. by the time we got home it was a little after 9 am and I had a messy! house to clean. I tried to walk on the treadmill but the house was getting to me so I cut my walk short and started cleaning. My main goal of the day was to get the kids rooms consolidatedand get the clothes and good unbroken toys together to donate. Then purge all the old and broken toys. I got that done and the rooms are so nice now they might actually get played in. My other Goal was to get Matthew to take a nap. Whoa what a crazy goal huh. I have been so lazy about this one, but for the last 3 days (except Sunday) I have had him up by 7 and down for a nap by 12 in hopes he would go to bed by 8 or 9 so I am able to be in bed by 11 pm at the latest.
on another note Delaney is now 10 months old and is just a preciouse little girl. I started to notice yesterday a sharp little point in her gums, looks like she is finnaly going to get a tooth.And she is still such a happy baby. WEll I am off to bed its 10 pm and all the kids are asleep and now its my turn yeah

Sunday, June 8, 2008

June 8th

June 8th we headed to Contra Loma Park for Riley's Graduation from being a tiger cub to a Wolf cub. it was a hot day but a fun one. The kids ran around and played Frisbee, catch, played in the sand and flew a kite. Had a nice lunch and had a little ceremony that the parents got to participate in. it was really cool

After all that we headed home and Riley and Matthew played on the slip and slide.


Friday, June 6, 2008

June 6th

I am tired but in a great mood. Had a really rough night with little miss Delaney who didn't want to go back to sleep at 4:30 this morning,so I had a early start today. Which turned out to be a good thing because I had to get the little kids up and out to go to Riley's school for an awards ceremony. He received 2 awards. I was so happy for him, he got one for perfect attendance for the last trimester of school and a certificate of achievement award for his compucat tests. What a great way to start of the weekend. Photobucket

Other then that everything is irritating me. Especially the Damn dog. I get so cranky when I don't get enough sleep and that is happening way to much lately. I get so mad when I have to be the one up trying to get the baby back to sleep while the boys go on snoring and sleeping so soundly. I am really frustrated with how often Delaney gets up at night, I know she can sleep through the night if I just stick to my guns and not nurse her down every time she wakes up. Its just so tempting and easy to just feed her and put her back to sleep. The one thing I haven't done is put her in my bed to go back to sleep she has always slept in her own crib, she is just so much more comfortable in there and she has her music which helps lull her to sleep. The week that Riley gets out of school is when I am going to buckle down and try my hardest to not nurse her back to sleep. Wish me luck. !!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

June 4th

Well The time is here, As of May 30th Delaney figured out Crawling and boy can she scoot. She is fast and fallows the boys and I everywhere. She is also pulling herself up onto things like the couch and chairs. She pulls herself up in her crib, so now in the morning when I go in to feed her she is standing there with her big beautiful toothless grin. Its so adorable. I am so proud of her she is such a smart and happy baby. she is so interactive too. Every night at dinner while Riley,Brian and I are talking at the dinner table she is over there in her High chair playing peek-a-boo with Matthew and giggling and laughing. If you ask her "where is Pinky?" She puts here hands over her eyes and laughs and then flops her hands down, we all clap and laugh and say "oh there she is" haha its so much fun.
She still is nursing wonderfully and I am debating on if I want to stop nursing at one or keep nursing and just take a week of when we go on our cruise and then pick back up nursing. I guess I will play it by ear and see how things go.